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NIPN at a Glance

Greetings from the NIPN Ethiopia team,As the second quarter of 2022 comes to close, I'd like to high-light several significant accom-plishments from this period. One important thing that needs to be mentioned here among the things that were done is the planning that is taking place for the smooth transition of the NIPN 2.0.

The Ethiopian Food-Based Dietary Guidelines (FBDGs) was officially launched on March 15, 2022, in Addis Ababa. With the presence of the three implementing sector Ministries, national and international nutrition partners, regional bureau representatives, and academicians, the FBDG was colorfully launched at Capital Hotel.

EPHI/NIPN hosted a successful National Nutrition Research Conference (NNRC) from December 8-10/2021 in Addis Ababa at Hil-ton Hotel, with the theme “Generation and mobilization of nutrition evidence to tack-le malnutrition: From data to action”.

September 2021 NIPN Newsletter. Highlights include: A summary of an analysis as to “What is driving the rise in overweight/obesity, and nutrition-related non-communicable diseases (NCD)s in Ethiopia; A look at preconception care in Ethiopia (did Ethiopia miss or ignore it?); An update of Ethiopia’s Food System Transformation and the United Nations Food System Summit (UNFSS); An overview of the NIPN knowledge outputs.

March 2021 Newsletter- This Newsletter covers the key NIPN events and activities of the first quarter of 2021. The message from the Coordinator gives a summary of the quarterly accomplishments and the remaining tasks planned for the year.

The fourth quarter of 2020 NIPN Newsletter is published and available online. This Newsletter in the message section summarizes the fourth quarter and the accomplishments of NIPN in the year 2020 despite the threats posed by COVID19.

The third quarter of 2020 NIPN Newsletter is published and available online . This Newsletter gives an overview to different NIPN activities and gives insight to various important meetings and webinar presentations. The message from the coordinator reviewed the performance of this quarter and mentioned the remaining activities to be done in the last quarter of 2020.

The second quarter of 2020 quarterly NIPN Newsletter is published. The June Newsletter contains important timely articles in addition to other NIPN activities. This Newsletter, as usual, contains message from NIPN coordinator. The message summarized the key quarterly activities of NIPN despite the challenges posed by COVID-19 and explains the coping measures taken to alleviate those challenges.

The first quarter of the 2020 NIPN Newsletter gives an insight to various events. The message from the coordinator explained the challenges and the impacts posed by the COVID-19 and the work scenario and possible mitigation methods applied by EPHI-NIPN during this quarter.

The third quarter of the NIPN Newsletter tells you the basic activities done to formulate policy-relevant questions which are related to nutrition. The Newsletter highlights the stakeholder consultative meeting held on the policy question formulation and their active participation in this regard.