ADDIS ABABA - May 22/ 2023 (EPHI/NIPN) - A four-day training on “Basic STATA using Health and Nutrition Data” was launched here on 22 May 2023, at the premises of the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI). The training, organized in collaboration with EPHI, the National Information Platform for Nutrition (NIPN), and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), aimed at enabling trainees to analyze data properly and generate evidence. Trainers drawn from different directorates of EPHI said that the training would help boost the capacity of researchers. Gebretsadik Keleb, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, said that the training would help the trainees analyze various regularly collected surveys and use them to generate evidence that would help make evidence-based decisions. “Generally, we are working on capacity building in the realm of generating evidence,” Gebretsadik said.
Trainees include researchers and PhD candidates drawn from Regional Public Health Institutes, University of Gondar, Addis Ababa University, Hawassa University, and EPHI.
Experienced data managers and researchers from EPHI are in charge of providing the four days of training. Among them are Tirsit Genye, a researcher from the IFPRI; Bedassa Tessema, data manager at the NIPN/Food Science and Nutrition Research Directorate (FSNRD); and Alemayehu Hussen, data manager and analyst at the FSNRD.
Trainees are provided with the necessary software and inputs during the training session, Gebretsadik said.
Gebretsadik further noted that similar capacity building trainings have been given regularly to researchers and public health professionals serving at the Regional Public Health Institutions, Universities, Federal Ministry of Health, and EPHI. A plan is in the pipeline to provide advanced training on STATA in the future, Gebretsadik said. (EPHI/NIPN).