NIPN-Ethiopia team reviews just ended annual performances, charts out plan for 2025

NIPN-Ethiopia team reviews just ended annual performances, charts out plan for 2025


ADDIS ABABA – January 05, 2025 (NIPN-Ethiopia) - Employees of the NIPN-Ethiopia reviewed their annual performances for the recently concluded 2024 budget year and outlined a plan for 2025. While participating in their annual review meeting, the employees developed a comprehensive plan per the approved project document to guide their actions in achieving their projects’ goals.

Opening the annual review meeting held from January 3-5, 2025, in Bishoftu Town, NIPN-Ethiopia Coordinator, Dr. Aregash Samuel, stated that NIPN-Ethiopia successfully achieved several milestone activities over the past 2024 budget year. “We all should be proud of ourselves for giving our best to accomplish the activities outlined for the just concluded 2024 budget year,” she said.

Dr. Aregash also addressed some plans that remained unfinished. “During our bi-annual gathering, we traced back the activities that were not carried out as planned. Based on the comments and feedback, some were revisited and completed successfully. However, a few remain incomplete due to unforeseen challenges. Today we are here to give a final push to those in good progress and to ensure proper follow-up and attention to others requiring additional efforts,” she stated. 

All workers were divided into groups to review and discuss their respective performances. Each group then prepared reports for the accomplished performances and developed plans for the budget year 2025. Afterward, everyone reconvened to present and discuss the draft reports and plans from each group collaboratively.

Once this was done, everyone came together to compile the final pieces of draft reports and annual plans. The remaining tasks were entrusted to a few selected senior employees, who will join forces to refine and consolidate the final plan and the report documents of NIPN-Ethiopia. These finalized plans and the report documents will soon be presented to all employees for final review and feedback.

Some employees remarked that the three-day gathering was highly valuable for building their capacity to review, produce, discuss, and exchange ideas on common agendas. They also shared that they gained valuable insights and learned from others during the presentations and idea-sharing sessions.

The entire staff members of NIPN-Ethiopia attended the three-day annual performance review gathering held at Noora Resort in Bishoftu Town. (NIPN-Ethiopia)