ADDIS ABABA – March 17, 2024 (EPHI) - The General Assembly (GA) of the Food and Nutrition Society of Ethiopia (FoNSE) held an election here on March 15, 2024 to replace the former Executive Committee members with new ones that will serve the Society for the next four years.
Accordingly, of the 14 candidates nominated by members who attended the assembly physically and virtually (online), seven new Executive Committee members were elected to lead FoNSE.
The election committee that facilitated the election process disclosed that Dr. Masresha Tessema of the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI), Dr. Sisay Sinamo of the Ministry of Health (MoH), Mrs. Yitayish Maru of UNICEF, Mrs. Israel Hailu of FHI 360, Dr. Adisalem Mesfin of Hawassa University, Dr. Endale Amare of EPHI and Dr. Anbissa Muleta of EPHI were elected as the new Executive Committee members of FoNSE.
The election committee further stated that Dr. Masresha Tessema was appointed president of FoNSE while Dr. Sisay Sinamo assumed the role of vice president. Dr. Masresha Tessema is currently serving as Director of Food Science and Nutrition Research Directorate of EPHI and Dr. Sisay Sinamo is a Focal Person of the Ethiopian Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement, Senior Nutrition Advisor to the Minister of Health and Senior Program Manager of the Seqota Declaration of the federal program delivery unit.
The election committee said on the occasion that the election was held by FoNSE members who attended the GA physically and virtually (online) in the presence of an observer from the Agency for Civil Society Organization. The vote counts that lasted for a few minutes were processed electronically by IT personnel, according to the election committee. The three election committee members elected by the GA were Dr. Aregash Samuel and Dr. Adugna Woyessa both from EPHI and Dr. Aweke Kebede from WFP.
The newly elected president of FoNSE, Dr. Masresha Tessema, said that he would accept the responsibility and do his level best to serve the Society. Dr Masresha Tessema expressed gratitude, on behalf of the newly elected Executive Committee, to all members for their trust in giving the responsibility to lead FoNSE. “Much is expected from the new leadership. We have been committed to revitalizing activities and bolstering the ongoing efforts to improve food and nutrition in Ethiopia,” he said.
Ahead of the election, Deputy Director General of the Ethiopian Public Health Institute, Dr. Getachew Tollera said in his opening speech that the assembly should focus on two critical elements that would shape the future track of FoNSE, an initiative born out of the visionary efforts of the EPHI, and contribute to the ongoing endeavors to address malnutrition within the nation.
Mrs. Hiwot Darsene, Lead Executive Officer of the Nutrition Coordination Office, said on her key note speech that FoNSE should be revitalized to support the implementation process of Food and Nutrition initiatives. She further noted that FoNSE should play leading roles in advocating major food and nutrition issues the government of Ethiopia has been engaged in.
Sources indicated that FoNSE has long been inactive since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The GA, held at the premises of EPHI, was attended by senior representatives drawn from the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture, UNICEF, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), academia, EPHI and others. (EPHI)