.It launches Good Food Fellows Program
ADDIS ABABA – March 27, 2024 (EPHI) - Food EDU expressed readiness to support efforts geared towards achieving research initiatives being taken to transform the food system in Ethiopia. Food EDU emphasized in a booklet released in March 2024 that it aimed at capacitating researchers through a Good Food Fellows Program (GFFP) it launched recently.
Food EDU is an open-access educational platform focused on the translation and application of cutting-edge research in food, agriculture, health, and nutrition. It has officially announced the launch of GFFP, which offers educational and professional development opportunities for scientists, policy makers, and food and health practitioners across the world.

Six Ethiopian researchers drawn from the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI), Food Science and Nutrition Program of Holeta Agricultural Research Center FSNP of HARC, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Addis Ababa Science and Technology University (AASTU) and Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority (EFDA) are able to take full advantage of the opportunity and benefit greatly from the first round of GFFP, according to the news source.
Food EDU indicated that the GFFP would be conducted in six countries that have been awarded the title, Center of Excellence of the Periodic Table of Food Initiative (PTFI). As EPHI is one of the six Centers of Excellence, it will shoulder the responsibility of entertaining the GFFP.
Central to the work of the GFFP is the PTFI, which is leading the way for a good food future by building the world’s most comprehensive food biomolecular database. The PTFI’s Centers of Excellence will serve as training hubs for the program, according to Food EDU.
Nigat Ashenafi and Tadesse Gebre-Giyorgis, who are Associate Researchers at the Food Science and Nutrition Research Directorate (FSNRD) of EPHI, have become fellows of the program. The other fellows are: Esayas Abraha, a researcher at FSNP of HARC, Hailu Reta, a researcher at EIAR, Dandi Mitiku, MSc student at AASTU, and Wosenyeleh Ambaw Lead Executive Officer of the food quality and safety control laboratory of the EFDA.

The project summery document indicates that Good Food Fellows with the EPHI will support the work of this national research institute mandated with producing evidence on public health and nutrition for decision makers. It acknowledges the research projects being undertaken by FSNRD at EPHI. That is why it has reportedly taken the initiative to intervene to help intensify the country’s food system transformation.
Dr. Adamu Belay, Dr. Aderajew Mekonnen, Dr. Anbissa Muleta, Dr. Aregash Samuel and Dr. Masresha Tessema from EPHI, Dr. Eskedar Getachew from AASTU and Dr. Alganesh Tolla from EIAR have been assigned as program support or mentors, while Dr. Endale Amare of EPHI acts as program director and mentor. (EPHI)