On May 29, 2020, we have hosted our second webinar on the role of Vitamin D in treating COVID-19 Patients: Current Scientific Evidence. The event included a presentation by Professor Susan J. Whiting, distinguished Professor Emeritus of Nutrition at College of Pharmacy and Nutrition from University of Saskatchewan, Canada, and reflection by panelists representing the program implementers (EPHI-PHEM/EOC), pulmonary and critical care subspecialist physicians, and researchers who gave their reflection on the topic from the different scenarios.
The presentation explains the current global health threat, COVID-19, and the role of vitamin D in treating COVID-19 patients. The presentation also highlights the metabolism of vitamin D and why vitamin D deficiency is common. Furthermore, it highlights the vitamin D deficiency in Africa and Ethiopia, the functions of vitamin D in inflammation, and immune response in which it explains the meta-analysis done on innate (e.g cathelicidin) and acquired (cytokines) immunity and prevention of the lower respiratory infection. It also stresses on how vitamin D status can prevent or mitigate the severity of COVID-19. Additionally, it mentioned the possible options for intensive care unit (ICU) treatment. The presentation and reflection were followed by a question and answer session which engaged many experts from different sectors and institutions. Over 85 participants attended the webinar. You can find the webinar presentation here